Physics Review Question

Unit: Energy
Year: 1988 Question#: 55
Question: When an electron changes from a higher energy state to a lower energy within an atom, a quantum of energy is

(1 ) fissioned
(2 ) fused
(3 ) emitted
(4 ) absorbed

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Chris B.

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Answer 1


This question asks what the energy is doing, and the answer that it is being fissioned is incorrect because when an electron changes levels within an atom it will either emit or absorb energy, inside the atom in this case fission (the splitting of a nucleus) does not relate. return to top

Answer 2


Fusion along with fission deals with the nucleus of the atom, and fusion is the combination of two different atoms, does release energy, but not what the question is asking about. return to top

Answer 3


This is the correct answer because when an electron changes from a higher state to a lower state energy is emitted because it is going from higher energy level to a lower one so it must get rid of the energy and it does that in the form of a photon of light. return to top

Answer 4


This answer is incorrect because it is the inverse of the correct answer. If the electron had gone from a lower level to a higher level then quantum of energy is absorbed. return to top

What's this question really asking?

This question asks what happens when an electron moves from one energy level to another. . return to top

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