Physics Review Question

Unit: waves
Year: 1991 Question#: 49
Question: Compared to visible light, ultraviolet radiation is more harmful to human skin and eyes because ultraviolet radiation has a:
(1 ) Higher Frequency
(2 ) Longer Period
(3 ) Higher Speed
(4 ) Longer Wavelength

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Mike M

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Answer 1
Higher frequency


This is the correct answer because when a wave has a higher frequency, it has a higher amount of energy. This is true with any wave. And since ultraviolet light has a higher frequency than normal visible light, it has more energy and can penetrate the body deeper than the top layer of skin, and therefore is more harmful. return to top

Answer 2
Longer Period


This is an incorrect answer because the UV wave can't have a longer period than normal visible light because it has a higher frequency. And a wave with a higher frequency can't also have a longer period. So that can't be why the UV radiation is more harmful than visible light. return to top

Answer 3
Higher Speed


This is incorrect because all light rays have the same speed. Although they are different forms of light, they are still light, and travel at the same speed as one another. So that can't be why the UV rays are more harmful. return to top

Answer 4
Longer Wavelength


This is incorrect because UV rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light, so that can't be the reason that they are more harmful. return to top

What's this question really asking?

It is really asking if I understand waves and what the terms mean. It is also asking if I know how to tell the difference between the different kinds of waves other than by their names. return to top

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