Physics Review Question

Unit: mechanics
Year: 1988 Question#: 48
Question: Refraction of a wave is caused by a change in the wave's

(1 ) amplitude
(2 ) frequency
(3 ) speed
(4 ) phase

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Meghan K.

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Answer 1


Amplitude is related to the amount of energy being transmitted by a wave. The question is asking what happens when a wave goes from one medium to another, therefore it isnt related to the question. Amplitude is the maximum displacement from its point of rest during one wave cycle. return to top

Answer 2


Frequency is the number of cycles or complete vibrations that each point experiences per unit of time. This is measured in Hertz (cycles per second). Refraction is when a wave bends due to a change in velocity. Frequency does not cause refraction. return to top

Answer 3


Refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to a change in velocity, or speed. This happens when the wave goes from one medium to another. The change in density causes a change in speed, and causes refraction. This means that the ray is bent from its original direction. return to top

Answer 4 Phase

Phase simply describes the position of a point in relation to another point on the same wave. A change in the phase does not result in Refraction. return to top

What's this question really asking?

What is the factor that causes refraction? return to top

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