Physics Review Question

Unit: Electricity and magnetism
Year: 1993 Question#: 30
Question: In the diagrams below, l represents a unit length of copper wire and A represents a unit cross-sectional area. Which copper wire has the smallest resistance at room temperature?
(1 ) (2 )
(3 ) (4 )

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Dana H

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Answer 1
Incorrect having a small cross-sectional area creates resistance. return to top

Answer 2
Incorrect, the small cross-sectional area and long length creates the most resistance. return to top

Answer 3
Correct, A short length and a large cross-sectional area creates the least resistance. Remember, short, fat, cold wires are the best conductors return to top

Answer 4
 Incorrect, since the length is long, more resistance is created. return to top

What's this question really asking?

Which wire creates the least resistance? return to top

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