Physics Review Question

Unit: Atom
Year: 1991 Question#: 23
Question: Which part of an atom is most likely to be transferred as a body acquires a static electric charge?

(1 ) proton
(2 ) neutron
(3 ) electron
(4 ) positron

What's the question really asking?

Explanation by: danielle
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Answer 1


Protons are not free to move, they are bound tightly to the atom. return to top

Answer 2


neutrons have mass and ar bound to the nucleus of the atom return to top

Answer 3


Has least mass and it is only bound by small forces to the atom return to top

Answer 4


Positron, the anti-matter counterpart to the electron quickly anhilates itself when it comes into contact with an electron and so it does not exist long wnough to transfer its positive charge. return to top

What's this question really asking?

What part of an atom transfers in static charge? return to top

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