Physics Review Question

Unit: electricity
Year: 1989 Question#: 27
Question: A negatively charged object is brought near a negatively charged electroscope. The leaves of the electroscope will?

(1 ) Move closer together
(2 ) Move farther apart
(3 ) Become positively charged
(4 ) become neutral

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Cory V (partly)
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Answer 1
Move closer together


Like charges are supposed to repel each other return to top

Answer 2
Move farther apart


With static electricity , like charges always repel against each each other and opposite charges are attracted. So the electroscope which already contains more negative charges than positive charges will have more negative charges forced into its leaves by the negatively charged object brought near it. The greater negative charges in the leaves will cause them to repel each other. return to top

Answer 3
Become positively charged


A negatively charged object brought near a negatively charged electroscope could not create a positive charge out of nowhere. return to top

Answer 4
Becomes neutral


There are no opposite charges to cancel out return to top

What's this question really asking?

Wil the leaves of an electroscope repel or attract to each other if a negatively charged object is brought near the knob of a negatively charged electroscope? return to top

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