Physics Review Question

Unit: Mechanics
Year: 1992 Question#: 11
Question: The diagram below represents a car resting on a hill. Which vector best represents the weight of the car?

(1 ) A
(2 ) B
(3 ) C
(4 ) D

What is this question really asking?

Explanation by: Dustin C

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Answer 1


This answer is incorrect because weight is a force that acts straight down from the center of mass toward the center of mass of the Earth. This shows the vector pointing down the hill which does not represent the weight of the car. return to top

Answer 2


This answer is correct because it is being measured from the car center of mass straight down to the ground. Weight is the force of gravitational attraction to the Earth. All weight on the Earth is always directed straight toward the center of mass of the Earth. return to top

Answer 3


This answer is incorrect because weight is a force acting down from the center of mass straight toward the center of mass of the Earth. This shows it being measured perpendicular which would be the opposite of the normal force. return to top

Answer 4


This answer is incorrect because weight is is a force acting down from the center of mass straight down toward the center of mass of the Earth. This vector shows the weight of the car pointing to the back or up the hill. return to top

What's this question really asking?

This question is really asking where the weight of this car would be acting while sitting on this hill. return to top

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