
English Deutsch Français Italiano
English Deutsch Français Italiano

This Java applet demonstrates the variation of elongation, velocity, tangential acceleration, force and energy during the oscillation of a pendulum (assumed with no friction).

The "Reset" button brings the body of pendulum to its initial position. You can start or stop and continue the simulation with the other two buttons. If you choose the option "Slow Motion", the movement will be five times slower. The length of the pendulum, its mass and the amplitude of the oscillation can be changed within certain limits. In order to select another physical size you have to click on the appropriate one of the five radio buttons.

The insignificant dependence of the oscillation period upon the amplitude was neglected in the calculations.

Java Physics Homepage
Physics Applets

© Walter Fendt, May 21, 1998
Last modification: January 16, 1999

Source file (German version):

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